How to work from home: the ultimate home office guide.


For many, the idea of working from home sounds like a dream: skip the commute in lieu of a sleep-in; wear your PJ’s all day; work to your own schedule.

But like most things, the dream is better than reality. Here are 5 tips for staying productive during iso.

1. Set a new routine—and stick to it.

You may have found yourself out of routine with late nights and later mornings. But now that your commute involves rolling out of bed and straight into the home office, it’s a good idea to create a new schedule for home.

Since office hours haven’t changed, we recommend waking up at the usual time and using any saved travel to add to your morning and afternoon. Try taking a walk, adding in some morning yoga or an exercise session, or catching up on the news before you log onto your work computer.

The same goes for your afternoons. Just because you’re home, doesn’t mean you should be working into all hours of the evening. When you’re done for the day, power down and get ready to relax—you’ve earned it!

Woman Working Laptop

2. Change out of your PJ’s (and please hop in the shower!)

The thrill of wearing your PJ’s to work every day gets old pretty quickly. But there are small psychological changes that can help you divide your day and keep you in a work routine when you’re not in the office.

Waking up at the same time as usual, taking a shower and putting on (comfortable) work clothes can set your mind to ‘work-mode’. It also lets other members of the household know when you are—and aren’t—available.

3. Plan your meals and breaks

Just like any other day in the office, it’s a good idea to schedule your breaks so that you don’t find yourself rummaging around in the fridge for leftovers every twenty minutes. Keep meal prepping each week, and be mindful of procrastinating if you find that you keep wandering into the kitchen.

Home Office Laptop

4. Create a set workspace

Setting up a designated workspace is vital to staying productive—especially if you’ve got kids and a partner working and doing school work from home, too. If you don’t have the luxury of a home office, use a room divider to section off part of your bedroom, lounge room or rumpus to set up shop.

Or if the kitchen bench is the only available option, stay organised with a work basket so that once the work day is done, you can easily put everything away and feel at home.

5. Keep your work/life balance in check

It’s easy to feel like you should be constantly working now that there’s a crossover between work and life. Think about it—thanks to the wonders of technology, a lot of your colleagues have now seen the inside of your home via conference calls.

But sticking to a routine means you don’t just start the workday right: you end it properly, too. Let your colleagues and clients know when you’re “leaving the office”, and resist the temptation to check and reply to emails while you’re scrolling through Netflix at night.

Mother Daughter Home School

We’re all in this together, and it’s the little things that will make a big difference to your day-to-day while working from home.

Planning your new home? Maybe it’s a good idea to factor in a home office and study areas for the kids. Our home consultants can guide you when choosing a floor plan to best suit your lifestyle needs.

Get in touch today via phone or email.

Display Home with Home Offices

The Elegant 31 in Bendigo & the Elite 28 in Armstrong Creek have dedicated study areas. Take a virtual tour of these display homes and others.